Coffee Break Q&A with Jason Marais
Engineering and Manufacturing
What was your first job role within the Energy Sector?
I started my career as an emergency power electrician working with diesel gensets and UPS systems.
Describe a typical day at Powerstar
Due to working in the services department no two days are the same. One day will be calm and relatively relaxed and the next day could be pandemonium where you don’t have a spare minute, I think this is typical within the sector as there are many factors that can affect equipment (weather being one of the best examples)
What do you enjoy the most about working in Energy?
I LOVE THE MATHS! I enjoy having problems that require unique solutions.
Are there any drawbacks to working in this sector?
Yes, you have to constantly maintain your skills. You don’t just become qualified and that’s you forever, it’s a constant progression with regulatory changes, testing procedure changes, and fast moving technological improvements. If you want to maintain your skills, it is paramount that you keep all the aforementioned changes at the forefront of your mind.
What’s your proudest achievement to date? & Do you have any hobbies outside of work?
Gaining my electrical testing qualification (2391) on the first attempt, and without the use of the books in the exam itself.
Do you have any hobbies outside of work?
I really enjoy spending time with my two daughters and soon to be wife. We like to go on days out to castles, exploring woods, and looking for all the little critters scurrying along.
Advancements in technology often cause significant changes in many industries, such as energy. What recent technological advances have had the biggest impact on your personal life?
The ability to order my food instantaneously is pretty cool.
If you had to give one piece of advice to people seeking jobs in energy, what would it be?
It is simply not possible to know everything. They say that those who think they know all, know nothing.
Why Powerstar?
I believe that Powerstar is the future of the industry.
Describe Team Powerstar in 3 words
The Complete Package

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